С Музеем Фаберже работа проходила в несколько этапов. Заказчик остался настолько доволен выполненной работой, что теперь у нас даже есть рекомендательное письмо от музея.
months of work
information desks
metal detector frames
stands for audio guides
buffet counter
We started our collaboration with the production of a stylish buffet counter. The result was a fusion construction with lighting made by internally milling the stone. A short time later we reconstructed it at the customer's request: thanks to the properties of the material, without destroying the main composition, we were able to divide the counter into two parts and insert a refrigerator between them.

The next step in collaboration with the museum was to produce a whole series of stunningly stylish products. We created stone cashier counters and audio guide stands, as well as a main reception desk and metal detector frames. Our style is also unmistakable in the decor of the security desks and even in the frames for street posters.
We always have a solution to every challenge
No surprises: we work according to the agreed layout
We always deliver projects in time
We are in touch with you 24/7